Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Morning!

Well, it was a record! The monkeys slept in until 7 a.m.!! We're usually done and cleaned up by that time (4:30 or 5 a.m. has been the time of the past)
Archer, Griffin & Nora

Cowboy Griff ~ He really wanted red cowboy boots (even though I knew brown would be much more practical). But, because he'll never be 6-years-old again, and probably never ask for red cowboy boots for Christmas again, I indulged. He was a bit shy about wearing them "in public" at first...but he soon realized that he can pull it off. If Johnny Cash can be the man in black, then Bill Storch's grandson can be the man in red cowboy boots!

Nora - rockin' the leopard coat & hat, HSM2 jammies & piggy slippers!
(Lucky the cat looks on)

Cowboys DO take naps!!
(& even more scandalous...they nap with their
Teacup Poodles, Yoda doll & Transformers)!!